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Behind the Surface: A Podcast Brought to You by the International Surface Fabricators Association

Introducing Behind the Surface, the ultimate podcast for surface fabricators! Dive into a world where craftsmanship meets innovation as we explore cutting-edge techniques, industry trends, and insider tips to elevate your fabrication game. From mastering the latest tools and materials to navigating business challenges and enhancing your creative process, our podcast covers it all.

Podcast hosts Behind the SurfaceJoin us for insightful interviews with industry leaders, expert roundtable discussions and actionable insights designed to empower surface fabricators at every level. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, our podcast provides the inspiration, knowledge and community support you need to thrive in the competitive world of surface fabrication.

Tune in and join the conversation today!
Find Behind the Surface right here on or on your favorite streaming service. 

Episode 32: Porcelain's New Era: Trends, Tech Advances & Fabrication Insights

Release date: May 30, 2024

In this episode of Behind the Surface podcast, ISFA’s executive director, Marissa Bankert, sits down with Todd Hibbs, a fabrication specialist from Caesarstone, to explore the burgeoning interest in porcelain slabs. From its rise as a marble alternative to its status as a staple in home design, Todd and Marissa discuss the factors driving porcelain’s popularity. They delve into how technological advancements have transformed porcelain fabrication, making it more durable and versatile than ever before. Todd shares invaluable insights on fabrication techniques and the importance of adapting to new machinery, as well as identifies emerging markets for porcelain. Transportation concerns and practical tips for exploring this material round out the conversation, including a powerful message: Evolve with the times or risk falling behind.

Tune in to learn how to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to porcelain!

Pro Tip: Got questions about working with porcelain? Todd’s got answers. Reach him directly at [email protected]

 Missed a previous episode? 


Other topics we cover: 

Business Strategies: From marketing and pricing to client management and workflow optimization, learn how to build and grow a successful fabrication business. 

Problems, Solved: Explore real-world challenges faced by fabricators and practical solutions to overcome them.  

Industry Insights: Get insider perspectives on the evolving landscape of surface fabrication, including market trends, regulations and future predictions. 

Sustainability: Explore sustainable business practices, eco-friendly materials and ways to reduce environmental impact in fabrication processes while positioning your business to stand the test of time. 

Advanced Techniques: Discover the latest fabrication methods and innovations in tools and technologies that shape the future of our industry.  

Material Spotlights: Deep dives into various materials, from stone to quartz to porcelain and everything in between. Explore their characteristics, applications and best practices for fabrication. 

Design Trends: Stay ahead of the curve with insights into emerging design trends, aesthetic preferences and consumer demands.

Whether you're seeking inspiration, education or networking opportunities, Behind the Surface is your go-to podcast for all things surface fabrication. 

Got a question or topic you'd like to see covered in our podcast? We're all ears. Drop us a line at [email protected]. 

 Behind the Surface: The Installing Profitability® Series

Have you heard about the Installing Profitability® series? This monthly podcast + workshop event touches on regular themes that matter to fabricators. From human resources to incentive plans, sales programs, showroom design and more, each podcast is the precursor to a valuable workshop where you can ask questions and get actionable answers. Listen in and gain valuable insights on how you can improve your bottom line.  

The workshops are FREE to ISFA members and friends of BACA Systems. 


Check out more of ISFA's exclusive programming:

Facility Tour Library

Webinar Library

Workshop Library